- 2. tree rat
- 3. a small, slender mammal
- 4. 8 legged freaky bug
- 8. a bird that lives on water
- 10. meow
- 11. black and yellow and has a stinger
- 12. black and white and eats bamboo
- 15. big,fury and likes honey
- 16. carrots is it's candy
- 17. tall mammal with spots
- 19. vicious dog and howls
- 1. on a farm and gallups
- 3. stings you
- 5. large 1 ton animal and lives in the safari
- 6. tall, fluffy and will spit on you
- 7. has shell and lives in water
- 8. run fast, pre, skinny legs
- 9. animal that lives on the beach with snappers
- 11. flies high in the sky
- 13. mans best friend
- 14. rodent that lives in land
- 18. a pointed muzzle and bushy tail