- 2. Chases cats
- 4. Smooth toad
- 6. A slow reptile with a shell
- 8. This has a long slender body and is covered in scales
- 10. Swings on vines in the jungle
- 12. A red bug with black spots
- 15. Medium sized rodent with a long tail
- 17. A medium-sized black and white striped animal
- 18. A big flying lizard
- 19. Catches mice
- 1. A big, wild dog with a lot of fur and sharp teeth
- 3. Runs away from cats
- 5. Snail without a shell
- 7. The animal that represents thanksgiving
- 9. Bunpy frog
- 11. Symbol of American freedom
- 12. An animal with a lot of fur around their neck, if they are male
- 13. A black and yellow insect with a stinger
- 14. A big and really strong ape
- 16. Has orange and black stripes