- 3. I am nocturnal
- 6. I look like a dog, but I am wild
- 8. I am black and white and like cold weather
- 10. I'm a primate and can swing from trees
- 11. I slither
- 13. Likes to chase mice
- 14. I am in a book where I wear red pajamas
- 15. I carry my house on my back
- 18. I hibernate all winter
- 19. My name rhymes with house
- 20. My home is called a den
- 21. I am the king of the jungle
- 1. Man's best friend
- 2. Flying mammal
- 4. I live in trees and eat nuts
- 5. Rudolph is one
- 7. Has a trunk
- 9. I have very long legs and neck
- 12. Large marsupial
- 16. I am a large cat with stripes
- 17. I live in the desert