
  1. 2. very common meat source
  2. 6. animal withe most yearly human kills
  3. 8. kung fu _?
  4. 10. says everything you say back to you
  5. 12. biggest producer of milk
  6. 13. biggest animal in the ocean
  7. 14. can parachute from trees
  8. 16. _ella
  9. 18. common prey for lions
  10. 21. most common city bird
  11. 22. mans best friend
  12. 23. the ancestor of dogs, lives in packs
  1. 1. australias deadliest fish
  2. 2. someone who doesn't leave his house is called a house _
  3. 3. has a trunk
  4. 4. can spew fire from its mouth
  5. 5. main charcter of happy feet
  6. 7. lays eggs in beaches,neves sees her children
  7. 9. best mode of transport before cars
  8. 11. the slowest animal
  9. 14. is very slithery
  10. 15. is small,bites and lives in a basement
  11. 17. they typically eat wood
  12. 19. _king
  13. 20. needs a tank,very common house pet
  14. 21. likes to roll in the mud