
  1. 4. only bug that can stand on two legs
  2. 6. Very big and grey
  3. 10. You get milk from them
  4. 11. Grass eaters
  5. 12. Has a trunk
  6. 14. Very poisonous
  7. 16. Most people would have as a pet
  8. 17. has eight legs (most of the time)
  1. 1. Big horns
  2. 2. Very bug sea animal
  3. 3. They swim in the sea
  4. 5. Long neck
  5. 7. Used for wool
  6. 8. like too climb things
  7. 9. in the shape of a star
  8. 10. Likes to chase mice
  9. 13. Like the mud
  10. 14. Squirts ink
  11. 15. a flying animal
  12. 16. Swim in lakes