
  1. 3. It is a farm animal that can make milk.
  2. 4. It is a pet. It likes to bark.
  3. 7. It is small. Sometimes you see it in the house. It likes to eat cheese.
  4. 10. it is big and scary. It is brown
  5. 12. It is a sea animal that looks like a jelly.
  6. 14. It is a zoo animal that eat meat. It is orange and black.
  7. 15. It is a zoo animal with a long neck.
  8. 17. It is a pet. It likes to eat fish.
  9. 18. You can see this in the forest. It has no legs. It is also scary.
  10. 20. It can fly. It eats insects and worms
  11. 21. It is scary, green, and lives in the water.
  12. 22. It is a farm animal that like to go meee meeee meee. It has horns.
  13. 23. It is a farm animal. It is sometimes green and grey or sometimes white. It can fly.
  14. 24. It is green. It can hop.
  15. 25. It is a farm animal. Sometimes its wool is black or white.
  1. 1. It is a farm animal. It is grey. It likes to say heee haw.
  2. 2. It is big. It is a bear but lives in the snow. It is white.
  3. 5. It is a farm animal. You can ride it like a motorbike.
  4. 6. it is a zoo animal. Tigers like to eat this. It is black and white and looks like a horse.
  5. 8. It is a zoo animal. It is big and grey.
  6. 9. It is a farm animal. It can lay eggs for cooking.
  7. 11. It looks like a small crocodile.
  8. 13. It is a zoo animal that likes to swim in the water. It is big and grey.
  9. 16. You can sometimes see this in the house. It has eight legs and can spin a web.
  10. 19. It is a funny zoo animals. It can climb and likes to eat banana.
  11. 20. It is small. It can fly. It is yellow and black.
  12. 24. It can live in water. It can also be a pet.