
  1. 4. It is colorfull and it can fly and speak
  2. 6. It can fly and it is very colorfull
  3. 7. It doesn't have legs and can't walk
  4. 11. It can swim and walk and it has a very long mouth
  5. 14. It is very big animal and it can't jump
  6. 15. It is very tall animal and it is orange
  7. 16. Nose of the elephant
  8. 17. They are sharp nails
  9. 19. It can run fast and bark and likes bones and meat
  10. 20. It is a big, yellow animal and it can roar
  1. 1. It is white and black and looks like a horse
  2. 2. It is green and it can jump
  3. 3. It looks like a mouth
  4. 5. It is green and round and walk very slowly
  5. 6. It is brown and likes honey and fish
  6. 7. It has eight legs and it is black
  7. 8. It can climb and likes bananas
  8. 9. It can swim but it can't walk
  9. 10. They are inside of the mouth and helps to eat
  10. 11. It can climb and likes milk and fish
  11. 12. A lot of animals have it and it is long
  12. 13. It can swim and it has a big mouth
  13. 18. Bird has got two of it