
  1. 4. A small marsupial with a stout, tailless body, round face, and large ears, native to Australia.
  2. 5. A large herbivorous mammal with a long trunk, large ears, and tusks, native to Africa and Asia.
  3. 9. A small, tree-dwelling mammal with reddish-brown fur and a bushy tail, native to the eastern Himalayas.
  4. 12. Large seabirds with long wingspans, known for their ability to cover great distances over the ocean.
  5. 13. A reptile known for its ability to change color to match its surroundings.
  6. 15. A small mammal with a bony armor shell, native to the Americas, capable of rolling into a ball for protection.
  7. 16. Fox A small fox species adapted to cold climates, with a thick white coat during winter.
  8. 18. Flightless birds with flipper-like wings, adapted for swimming, and known for their distinctive black and white coloring.
  9. 21. Marine animals with soft bodies, a unique internal shell, and the ability to rapidly change color and texture.
  10. 22. A slow-moving, tree-dwelling mammal with a distinctive hooked claws, found in Central and South America.
  1. 1. A marsupial characterized by strong hind legs adapted for leaping, found mainly in Australia.
  2. 2. A small marsupial known for its friendly appearance and smile-like facial expression, native to Australia.
  3. 3. A large, powerful, and primarily herbivorous ape, native to Africa, known for its strength and intelligence.
  4. 6. A large, colorful bird with a distinctive iridescent tail, native to South Asia.
  5. 7. A large, powerful cat with a distinctive golden-yellow coat and black spots, native to the Americas.
  6. 8. A tall, long-necked mammal with distinctive spotted markings, native to Africa.
  7. 10. Aquatic mammals with paddle-like flippers and herbivorous diets, often found in warm coastal waters.
  8. 11. A unique egg-laying mammal with webbed feet and a duck-bill, native to Australia.
  9. 14. A large, herbivorous mammal with thick skin, short legs, and large mouth, native to Africa.
  10. 17. A large flightless bird with long legs and neck, native to Africa, known for being the world's largest bird.
  11. 18. A scaly anteater with a protective armor made of overlapping keratin scales, native to Africa and Asia.
  12. 19. A medium-sized toothed whale with a long, spiral tusk extending from its upper jaw, native to Arctic waters.
  13. 20. A large, fast-running big cat with a slender body and distinctive black tear markings on its face.