  1. 2. - Land of the free, home of the brave.
  2. 4. - Home of Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.
  3. 6. - Famous for pasta, pizza, and ancient ruins.
  4. 7. - Where the Taj Mahal stands tall.
  5. 9. - Known for sushi, anime, and cherry blossoms.
  6. 10. - Boasts the Great Wall and delicious cuisine.
  7. 11. - Home of maple syrup and breathtaking landscapes.
  1. 1. - Known for beer, bratwurst, and the Berlin Wall.
  2. 3. - Land of kangaroos, koalas, and the Outback.
  3. 5. - Famous for its vibrant carnival celebrations.
  4. 8. - Land of romance, art, and exquisite cuisine.