
  1. 1. it’s lives in jungle and like bananas
  2. 2. lives in the forest with long ears
  3. 6. it’s a big bird with long neck and can’t fly
  4. 8. it’s like a big cat
  5. 12. he has it red had and chops wood
  6. 16. he has got very bad smell
  7. 17. eat lives and a bear
  8. 18. it’s star in the sea
  9. 23. Has a trunk
  10. 24. it’s dangerous ang lives in the water
  11. 27. he is blue and big fish
  12. 28. it’s green
  13. 30. it gives milk
  14. 31. Large marsupial
  15. 32. Man's best friend
  16. 33. it’s a bear in China
  17. 34. it’s a small beautiful insect
  18. 36. it’s a bird in the street
  1. 1. she is small and love cheese
  2. 3. he has got a horn on nose and he is big
  3. 4. has got snout and and small tail
  4. 5. it’s gives eggs
  5. 7. he is white and can fly
  6. 9. it gives honey
  7. 10. is white with strips
  8. 11. she likes nuts and she has got red tail
  9. 12. it’s a dog in forest
  10. 13. he is very strong
  11. 14. Likes to chase mice
  12. 15. it has good long neck
  13. 16. it is very dangerous in the sea
  14. 19. it’s fast and beautiful and live in a farm
  15. 20. he has got very big tooth and lives in the water
  16. 21. Flying mammal
  17. 22. it’s orange and beautiful
  18. 25. he is yellow with sports
  19. 26. he has got stripped tail and crafty
  20. 29. it’s white beautiful bird in the water
  21. 33. he has got bright wigs and he is a bird
  22. 35. he is orange with stripes