
  1. 3. My stripes help to camouflage me.
  2. 6. I have tusks.
  3. 7. I am an amphibian.
  4. 9. I move very slowly.
  5. 12. My fin sometimes sticks out of the water
  6. 15. I like to eat carrots
  7. 18. I have pink feathers.
  8. 19. I have a horn in the middle of my face.
  9. 21. I have eight legs.
  10. 24. I slither.
  11. 25. I swim with my friends.
  12. 26. I make honey.
  13. 27. I wag my tail when I am happy.
  14. 28. I am an excellent climber.
  1. 1. I am a fast runner.
  2. 2. I store fat in my humps.
  3. 4. I sting my prey.
  4. 5. I have a pouch for my baby.
  5. 8. I have a long neck
  6. 10. I am a large cat.
  7. 11. I am a king.
  8. 13. I will let you ride me.
  9. 14. I like to hunt mice.
  10. 16. I live in a cave.
  11. 17. I sing songs to my friends
  12. 20. I live in rivers.
  13. 22. I live in Antarctica.
  14. 23. I have a house on my back
  15. 25. I am extinct.
  16. 29. I hunt at night.