- 4. Slowest animal of the world
- 7. Has spots rather than stripes
- 8. Looks like seal and has horn
- 10. Supposed to be very wise
- 11. The announcer of spring
- 15. Largest of the ape and monkey families, full grown
- 16. Has most legs
- 17. The largest mammal
- 18. Has the most impressive tail
- 1. The only poisonous snake in Estonia
- 2. Tallest bird
- 3. Animal who never sleep
- 5. Famous amphibian
- 6. The symbol of peace
- 9. Only birds known to be capable of flying backwards
- 12. What type of animal is an Ibis?
- 13. Has got a hump, lives in Africa
- 14. Marsupial
- 16. Fastest runner on the land
- 18. Bird who can't fly