
  1. 4. an animal that lives in the ocean, very dangerous
  2. 9. a colourful bird, sometimes can talk
  3. 10. baby sheep
  4. 11. baby frog
  5. 13. an animal that helps Santa on Christmas
  6. 14. an animal with no legs, can be dangerous
  7. 17. A big farm animal, people ride it
  8. 20. an animal that lives in water,it's friendly and smart
  9. 21. green,big animal,can swim and walk, dangerous, eats meet
  10. 23. baby duck
  11. 24. A male chicken
  12. 27. an animal that lives in the jungle and eats bananas
  13. 29. a black and white bird, can't fly, eats fish
  14. 30. baby cow
  1. 1. a black and white animal with stripes
  2. 2. a small animal, cats eat them
  3. 3. animal is sometimes called a "river horse" or a hippo
  4. 5. An animal with long ears, can jump far
  5. 6. baby pig
  6. 7. an animal with a very long neck
  7. 8. an animal that lives in the desėrt, has 2 humps
  8. 12. a big animal with a trunk
  9. 15. an animal that has a pouch for its baby
  10. 16. A bird that lays eggs
  11. 18. baby donkey
  12. 19. small animal, lives in trees, eats nuts and seeds, you can see them in Jūrmalas parks
  13. 22. Puppy is a baby of a ____
  14. 25. a large cat that lives in the jungle
  15. 26. an animal that lives in the forest, looks like a dog
  16. 28. baby goat