
  1. 1. have long ears
  2. 4. can fly but nit a birds
  3. 5. have 6 legs and loves sugar
  4. 7. live on land
  5. 9. hibernate
  6. 11. don't have backbone
  7. 18. have a long neck
  8. 19. have eight legs
  9. 20. have scales
  1. 2. have no legs
  2. 3. have fins
  3. 6. are white and give us wool and meat
  4. 8. move slowly
  5. 10. live in the ocean
  6. 12. have wings
  7. 13. they spin webs
  8. 14. can run fast
  9. 15. we can ride them
  10. 16. have fur
  11. 17. they are pink and love mud