
  1. 4. when newborn animals recognize and follow the first behavior they see
  2. 6. warm-blooded, body temp. remains constant
  3. 9. protective coloration used by animals to survive in their environment
  4. 10. process where animal's body undergoes dramatic change
  5. 11. social behavior of animals living together in large groups for protection
  6. 14. an animal learns that a particular stimulus/response is good or bad
  7. 16. animals that have a backbone
  8. 17. a behavioral process where an animal tries to attract a mate
  9. 18. behaviors that an animal has from birth
  1. 1. animals who only eat plants
  2. 2. animals who eat meat and plants
  3. 3. animals that do not have a backbone
  4. 5. movement of animals from place to place in response to seasons
  5. 6. internal skeleton
  6. 7. behaviors that are passed on from parents
  7. 8. hard outer shell or external skeleton
  8. 10. a weaker animal copying a stronger animal's characteristics
  9. 12. cold-blooded, body temp. changes in response to environment
  10. 13. state of greatly reduced body activity used to conserve energy
  11. 15. animals who only eat meat