- 1. It's a mammal of the family Ursidae.
- 5. It's a mammal animal that lives in the sea.
- 7. It's a mammal that lives in the jungle.
- 8. It has a long neck.
- 10. Is the biggest reptile.
- 12. It doesn't have legs or arms.
- 14. They are considered birds but they do not fly.
- 16. Sometimes, this animal repeat what you're saying.
- 18. It's got long ears.
- 2. It's a big bird that eats mouses...
- 3. It's typic from Australia.
- 4. It's the biggest animal in the ocean.
- 5. Man's best friend
- 6. It's an animal that normally lives in a farm.
- 9. It's a mammal animal that you can ride in it.
- 10. It's like a tiger but smaller
- 11. It has got a long horn.
- 13. It's a mammal animal, he's pink.
- 15. Their skin is composed of two different colours.
- 17. It's a bird that you will see him at night.