
  1. 1. It's a mammal of the family Ursidae.
  2. 5. It's a mammal animal that lives in the sea.
  3. 7. It's a mammal that lives in the jungle.
  4. 8. It has a long neck.
  5. 10. Is the biggest reptile.
  6. 12. It doesn't have legs or arms.
  7. 14. They are considered birds but they do not fly.
  8. 16. Sometimes, this animal repeat what you're saying.
  9. 18. It's got long ears.
  1. 2. It's a big bird that eats mouses...
  2. 3. It's typic from Australia.
  3. 4. It's the biggest animal in the ocean.
  4. 5. Man's best friend
  5. 6. It's an animal that normally lives in a farm.
  6. 9. It's a mammal animal that you can ride in it.
  7. 10. It's like a tiger but smaller
  8. 11. It has got a long horn.
  9. 13. It's a mammal animal, he's pink.
  10. 15. Their skin is composed of two different colours.
  11. 17. It's a bird that you will see him at night.