- 1. A kind of bear from Australia
- 4. Big and small but all say woof woof
- 6. Small like a mouse but has a short tail
- 8. From Africa with lots of black stripes
- 10. Very small animal that loves cheese
- 11. A very big green animal with long teeth
- 13. Lives in the water and doesn't make any sounds
- 15. Fastest cat in the world
- 17. Polar, Panda or Grizzly....
- 18. Grey color and lives in the ocean
- 20. A tropical bird that can talk
- 21. Makes milk
- 22. Orange with black stripes
- 23. Has big flat feet and swims very well
- 24. Slides on the ground and has a long skinny tongue...ssss..
- 2. Usually green and has 4 legs and a long tongue
- 3. A large animal that you can ride
- 5. Very big and scary; lives in the water and can be many colors
- 7. Shaped like a star but lives in the water
- 9. A water pet that is orange color
- 12. Says "meow" and has yellow eyes
- 14. Looks like a very big duck
- 15. A black bird that is very noisy
- 16. Lives longer than most people and never leaves its home
- 19. Black and white and lives in a cold place