anltc geometry

  1. 3. Comparison of two quantities by division and may be written as r/s, r:s, or r to s.
  2. 5. The property of a polygon whose sides are all congruent.
  3. 8. A ray begins at a point and goes on forever in one direction.
  4. 10. One of the basic undefined terms of geometry. Traditionally thought of as a set of points that has no thickness but its length goes on forever in two opposite directions.
  5. 11. Two equivalent linear equations that overlap when graphed.
  6. 12. The point of concurrency of the altitudes of a triangle.
  7. 14. Having the same size, shape and measure. Two figures are congruent if all of their corresponding measures are equal.
  8. 15. A line segment whose endpoints are the midpoints of two sides of a triangle.
  9. 18. angles Two angles whose sum is 90 degrees.
  10. 20. of a triangle A segment is a median of a triangle if and only if its endpoints are a vertex of the triangle and the midpoint of the side opposite of a triangle.
  11. 23. The point of concurrency of the bisectors of the angles of a triangle.
  12. 24. A bisector divides a segment or angle into two equal parts.
  13. 26. The property of a polygon whose angles are all congruent.
  14. 28. lines Two lines are parallel if they lie in the same plane and they do not intersect.
  15. 29. The point of concurrency of the medians of a triangle.
  1. 1. The point of concurrency of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle.
  2. 2. An equation which states that two ratios are equal.
  3. 4. The point at which two or more lines intersect or cross.
  4. 6. Traditionally thought of as going on forever in all directions (in two-dimensions) and is flat (i.e., it has no thickness).
  5. 7. polygon A polygon is inscribed in a circle if and only if each of its vertices lie on the circle.
  6. 9. lines Two lines in a plane that cross each other. Unless two lines are coincidental, parallel, or skew, they will intersect at one point.
  7. 13. sides Sides that have the same relative positions in geometric figures.
  8. 16. The points at an end of a line segment.
  9. 17. pair Adjacent, supplementary angles. Excluding their common side, a linear pair forms a straight line.
  10. 19. bisector A perpendicular line or segment that passes through the midpoint of a segment.
  11. 21. Angles are created by two distinct rays that share a common endpoint (also known as a vertex). ∠ABC or ∠B denote angles with vertex B.
  12. 22. Transformation that changes the size of a figure, but not the shape.
  13. 25. angle of a polygon An angle that forms a linear pair with one of the angles of the polygon.
  14. 27. Traditionally thought of as having no length, width, or thickness, and often a dot is used to represent it.