Another One

  1. 4. A collection of unicorns is called this.
  2. 5. These were invented to deter people from brothels (2 words).
  3. 7. Cookie monsters real name
  4. 8. How many detergents does John Crawford have had one time?
  5. 11. John Quincy Adams had this as a pet.
  6. 12. A certain type of this animal is considered immortal.
  7. 15. These mammals can hold their breath longer than dolphins.
  8. 16. This animal holds a grudge.
  9. 19. What Cody calls the street name in-between Indian School and Candelaria.
  10. 20. What is Leland's wife's name?
  11. 22. These cure bad breath.
  12. 23. This country eats more mac and cheese than any other nation.
  1. 1. These animals taste with their feet.
  2. 2. These animals float in water.
  3. 3. This is how long the marathon originally was until the Queen changed so she could view it from her window.
  4. 6. The shortest war lasted this long (3 words).
  5. 9. These animals have three hearts.
  6. 10. What is Miriam's biggest fear.
  7. 13. This is the official sport of Maryland.
  8. 14. This is where the Eiffel Tower was originally intended for.
  9. 17. This is what Brandon calls a wolf.
  10. 18. The NYPD had an officer follow this guy around whenever he went drinking to prevent him from falling on anyone.(3 words)
  11. 21. Faith's dog's name.