Antebellum South
- 3. people for slavery
- 5. banned the further importation of slaves beginning in 1808.
- 6. known for use of slavery.
- 7. formally put an end to a system practice or institution.
- 9. had 9 new slave states enter between 1789 and 1860
- 12. planters projected the maount of cotton based on salve amount
- 13. Turner led the second rebellion.
- 15. a person who is owned and has no rights
- 16. an owner of slaves.
- 17. free blacks were lighter skinned women.
- 19. people against slavery
- 20. a boat powered by steam
- 1. wrote Uncle Toms Cabin
- 2. the state of being a slave
- 4. known as Petit gulf cotton a mix of mexican georgia strains
- 8. what most slaves were used for.
- 10. exstention of states territory by encroaching on that of other nations
- 11. any Southern states in US which slavery was legal before the civil war.
- 14. a person killed for religious beleifs
- 18. what slave states were known as