Anthony Rondinelli Articles X-Word

  1. 2. What did the article, This confederacy shall be The United Sates of America name what?
  2. 8. Those who oppose the constitution are known as what?
  3. 9. The western boundaries of the new land won after the Revolutionary War was the ____ river.
  4. 10. Is balance of power a good phrase to describe a federalist system of government?
  5. 11. Siging treaties with other nations is whos power?
  6. 15. ____ helped established a new country.
  7. 16. Shays' Rebellion to protest taxes imposed by ____.
  8. 19. Deteriorating value of paper money changed what?
  9. 20. On September 19th 1787 what is made public?
  1. 1. ______ allowed government to collect taxes.
  2. 3. The biggest obstacle facing the Continental Congress was?
  3. 4. United States declares ___ in 1776
  4. 5. Because congress lacked the power to tax the states, it couldn't pay for the ___ that the army needed.
  5. 6. Who was not a wealthy land owner he also had a rebellion named after him.
  6. 7. During the Revolutionary war what article was founded?
  7. 12. Under the Articles of Confederation, each state could have a different number of ______ and the same number of _____.
  8. 13. A plan to govern the new county was written and adopted during what war?
  9. 14. The individual states acted in their own ____ by taxing goods from other states.
  10. 17. States could start their own war with Native American groups was a _____.
  11. 18. American customers were economic ____.