Anthony Smith IR

  1. 2. By the end of the story Jack proves his _______ to Auggie.
  2. 4. Jack and Augie have an amazing ___________.
  3. 7. Auggie shows this before every surgery.
  4. 8. The main character is a victim to __________.
  5. 10. Jordan shows sav _______ when she shares her true feelings about Auggie being at school.
  6. 12. Summer shows Auggie _______ by sitting with him at lunch.
  7. 14. Jack _____ Auggie by talking bad about him
  8. 15. Auggie has a tight-knit relationship with his ________.
  9. 17. The name of the book.
  10. 18. By the end of the story Auggie shows ___________ to his disability.
  11. 20. Auggie hates to go here at the beginning of the story.
  1. 1. Auggie refuses to let this define him.
  2. 3. This story tells us to show kindness despite our _________.
  3. 5. Auggie decides to _______ Jack for talking about him behind his back.
  4. 6. Auggies _________ changes by the end of the story.
  5. 9. Jack and summer help Auggie not feel ________ at school.
  6. 11. Auggie shows this by continuing to go to school despite the ridicule.
  7. 13. The kids at school show ________ towards Auggie because of his deformity.
  8. 16. Summer is a character who is full of ______.
  9. 19. The name of the main character.