Anti-Lipid Drugs

  1. 3. A rare but severe side effect of statins involving muscle breakdown.
  2. 6. A drug class primarily affecting VLDL and used for severe hypertriglyceridemia.
  3. 8. Injectable PCSK9 inhibitor that lowers LDL cholesterol.
  4. 9. Class of drugs that inhibit HMG-CoA reductase.
  5. 11. Fibric acid derivative used to treat high triglycerides.
  1. 1. Bile acid sequestrant that prevents reabsorption of bile acids.
  2. 2. Another name for "good" cholesterol.
  3. 4. Citrus juice that can interfere with statins' metabolism.
  4. 5. Common statin used to reduce cholesterol levels.
  5. 7. Vitamin often used in high doses to lower triglycerides and increase HDL.
  6. 10. Another class of drugs that prevents bile acid reabsorption, often used for hypercholesterolemia.