Antigone Vocab
- 2. Sudden revelation
- 4. A soccer player who thinks he is better than everyone
- 5. Daniel might like football. After 5 months he starts play for a professional football team
- 6. Kenneth was tall and skinny.
- 7. Group of singers
- 11. It might be achieved by hitting a punching bag or just doing yoga
- 13. Iron Man was one
- 15. Romeo and Juliet is a good example of
- 1. When the audience already understands, but the actors don't
- 3. Kenneth was unlike any other boss, he made sure all the employees were paid what they deserved.
- 8. Hero's fatal flaw
- 9. car crash becoming a disaster
- 10. Its a Passive resistance
- 12. system arranged in graded ranks
- 14. Kind of “Iron”