AP Biology- Ecology

  1. 7. Factors, resource availability and diseases that affect the population
  2. 9. Taxis, organisms that grow toward their energy source
  3. 10. Taxis, organisms that grow away from their energy source
  4. 11. Growth, when a population first grows slowly but then grows extremely fast
  5. 13. Capacity, the max amount of a population that an ecosystem can sustain
  6. 15. a negative relationship between two organisms where one benefits and the other is harmed
  7. 16. Levels, different levels of the food pyramid that describe the flow/depletion of biomass
  8. 17. organisms that use photosynthesis to produce biomass
  9. 19. organisms that consume dead organisms as a way of survival
  10. 21. Cycle, is the process by how carbon is stored in the ground and goes through organisms from the air
  11. 22. organisms that consume both producers and consumers
  12. 23. organisms that only consume producers
  13. 25. organisms that eat producers and slowly biomass depletes up the trophic levels
  14. 26. organisms that create energy to heat themselves
  15. 27. a positive relationship between two organisms where they both mutually benefit
  16. 28. a relationship between two organisms where one benefits and the other is unaffected
  1. 1. Factors, nonliving factors that contribute to the health of a population
  2. 2. the non-directional movement of an organism
  3. 3. Growth, when a population is reproducing faster than it is dying off
  4. 4. the directional movement of an organism
  5. 5. species, species that reproduce slowly but live longer life-spans
  6. 6. is the state that the body wants to be in where it is balanced
  7. 8. Factors, natural disasters that affect the population
  8. 12. Growth, when a population at first grows fast but then reaches its carrying capacity
  9. 14. species, species that reproduce quickly but live shorter life-spans
  10. 18. organisms that only consume consumers
  11. 20. organisms that use heat from outside sources
  12. 24. Factors, living factors that contribute to the health of a population