AP Gov Crossword

  1. 3. the relationship between legislators, bureaucrats and interest groups
  2. 5. money given to the state from the federal government to be used on projects and public services
  3. 6. a type of power that is specifically for the states
  4. 8. procedure that requires 3/5ths vote to end floor debate in the senate
  5. 9. the branch of government in charge of interpreting laws and how to apply them
  6. 10. ideology that believes in more government involvement, social welfare and minority rights
  7. 11. type of federalism where the power shifts from the central government to the states
  8. 12. elected representatives that vote the way their constituents want them to
  9. 13. divide between legislative and executive branch causing little legislation to be passed
  10. 14. the basic principles and law of the United States; supreme law of the land
  11. 16. an elected official who is currently in office
  12. 19. a government where power is held by the people and the representatives they elect
  13. 20. presidential power to reject a bill
  14. 21. Latin term for judicial precedent
  15. 23. the first 10 of these are in the bill of rights
  16. 25. redrawing districts based on population changes
  17. 26. a legislative body that has two branches/chambers
  18. 28. powers that are not specifically listed in the Constitution
  19. 29. using prior cases as the test for deciding similar cases
  1. 1. a theory of government where groups are so strong, the government is weakened
  2. 2. acting for an interest group to influence policy decisions
  3. 4. form of government where power is shared between the federal and state governments
  4. 5. redistricting that benefits the party in power
  5. 7. the type of powers that are listed specifically in the Constitution
  6. 15. selective leaks aimed at testing the political waters
  7. 17. procedure in the senate designed to prolong debate and prevent a vote on a bill
  8. 18. clause in the first amendment that Wisconsin v Yoder was ruled on
  9. 22. the clause that state the Constitution as the supreme law of the land
  10. 24. assistant leaders in Congress; round up party members for votes
  11. 27. written statements that could ruin someone's reputation