AP HUG Unit 1 Vocab. Study Puzzle

  1. 4. Involves the influence of a central node on its surrounding areas.
  2. 6. Based primarily on surveys, field studies, photos, videos, and interviews from people who provide personal perceptions and meaningful descriptions.
  3. 8. Purpose: Spatial distributions related to area.
  4. 9. Purpose: Navigation
  5. 12. Purpose: General use in midlatitude countries.
  6. 13. Information that can be counted, measured, or sequenced by numeric value.
  7. 15. Purpose: General use
  8. 16. Refers to the way the map communicates the ratio of it's size to the size of what it represents.
  9. 17. The percise spot where something is according to some systems.
  1. 1. Distance North or South of 0° and are called parallels.
  2. 2. Distance East or West of 0° and are called meridans.
  3. 3. Is an area designated by official boundaries (Ex. States, Countries, Counties, Cities).
  4. 5. Where something is located in relation to other things.
  5. 7. Shows and labels the human-created boundaries and designations, such as countries, states, cities, and capitals.
  6. 10. Based on cultural beliefs.
  7. 11. Sometimes called relative scale, it refers to the amount of territory that the map represents.
  8. 14. Shows and labels the natural features such as mountains, rivers, and deserts.