AP Psych Famous Names

  1. 3. Found that contact is important in development. Studied attachment in infant monkeys with artificial mothers
  2. 8. Set up the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig Germany
  3. 9. Described process of classical conditioning through experiments with dogs
  4. 10. Cognitive therapy, changing people’s thinking can change how they feel and behave. Found that suggested negative beliefs cause depression
  5. 11. Memorized a list of nonsense syllables to show the concept of relearning. Found that forgetting is initially rapid and then levels off
  6. 12. Neo-freudian, stated that personality is molded by current fears and impulses rather than being determined solely by childhood experiences
  7. 16. Cognitive dissonance theory
  8. 17. Studied taste aversion
  9. 18. Neo-freudian, believed we have collective unconscious
  10. 19. Developed a model of parenting styles which include authoritarian, authoritative, permissive
  11. 22. Developed theory of multiple intelligences: intrapersonal, interpersonal, naturalist, linguistic, logical mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily kinesthetic
  12. 24. Proposed that all languages share universal grammar
  13. 26. Demonstrated misinformation effect through studies on eyewitness testimonies
  1. 1. Developed 3 levels of moral thinking: pre-conventional, conventional, post-conventional
  2. 2. Studied universality of facial expressions
  3. 4. Initiated human split-brain research
  4. 5. Humanistic psychologist, hierarchy of needs, self-actualization
  5. 6. Humanistic psychologist. Created client-centered therapy. Emphasized unconditional positive regard and empathy
  6. 7. Observed an infant’s attachment to parents when placed in strange situations (insecure, secure attachment)
  7. 8. Found that 2 stimuli must differ by a constant minimum percentage rather than amount
  8. 12. Conducted research on hypnosis, proposed dissociation theory of split consciousness
  9. 13. Developed rational emotive behavior therapy
  10. 14. Positive psychologist, studied dogs that demonstrated learned helplessness
  11. 15. Developed triarchic / three intelligences theory: practical intelligence, creative intelligence, analytical intelligence
  12. 20. Conducted a study on obedience when he had a subject shock a patient
  13. 21. Psychoanalysis, id/ego/superego
  14. 23. Believed that each stage of life had its own psychosocial task/ 8-stage theory of psychosocial development
  15. 25. Studied conformity. Line test showed that individuals conformed even when they knew the answer was wrong