AP Psychology Important Names

  1. 1. Experiment on conformity (people answered incorrectly much more of the time when other "confederates" answered incorrectly first)
  2. 5. proposed the ideal of multiple intelligences (logical, spatial, kinesthetic, intrapersonal, linguistic, naturalistic)
  3. 7. theorised that the change in a stimulus that will be just noticeable is a constant ration of the original stimulus
  4. 10. Proposed the theory of learn helplessness, contributed to positive psychology
  5. 13. first psychologist to conduct studies on forgetting (rapid loss followed by gradual decline)
  6. 15. Behavioural psychologist; studied operant conditioning (_'s box)
  7. 17. Behavioural psychologist; important to the understanding of classical conditioning (_'s dogs)
  8. 18. Proposed parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and rejecting)
  9. 21. Behavioural psychologist learned that rats are more likely to make certain associations than others (sweet water with nausea and noise with shock but not noise with nausea and shock with sweet water)
  10. 22. Developmental psychology; experimented with infant monkeys and attachment
  11. 24. Developmental psychologist and creator of the first intelligence test (stanford-_ test)
  12. 26. Cognitive psychologist: father of cognitive therapy; used to treat depression (challenges negative beliefs)
  13. 27. Father of psychology; set up first psychology lab in Germany
  14. 28. Humanistic psychologist theorized the hierarchy of needs
  1. 2. Psychologist who researched hypnosis and hypothesised the dissociation theory of split consciousness (arm in ice water test)
  2. 3. Social psychologist: obedience studies- participants think they are administering shocks
  3. 4. criticised Freud, stated that personality is moulded by current fears and impulses, rather than being determined solely by childhood experiences and instincts, neurotic trends
  4. 6. Humanistic; important for treatment of psychological disorders (client-centred therapy)
  5. 8. Developmental psychologist; stage theory (pre-conventional, conventional, post-conventional)
  6. 9. Proposed language acquisition theory that children are born with an inherited ability to learn any human language
  7. 11. Developmental psychologist placed children into "strange situation" in order to evaluate their attachment to their children
  8. 12. Developmental psychologist; psychosocial stage theory (eight stages)
  9. 14. Behavioural psychologist implemented Bobo Beat-down experiment
  10. 16. Developmental psychologist; cognitive development stage theory (sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operations, formal operations)
  11. 19. published the first psychology textbook
  12. 20. Social psychologist: known for Stanford Prison Study
  13. 23. Behavioural psychologist who implemented the little Albert experiment (generalisation)
  14. 25. Contributed to Rational-Emotive-Therapy (RET), focuses on client's irrational thinking