AP Psychology Study

  1. 2. False belief system
  2. 4. Memory: The theory is that information learned in a particular situation or place is remembered when in that same situation or place.
  3. 5. Theory: A theory in which we are motivated by our desire to maintain a level of arousal.
  4. 6. Causal relationships of diseases; theories regarding how the disease or disorder began.
  5. 7. Threshold: The slightest change in perception, which is noticeable 50% of the time.
  6. 11. The understanding that matter remains unchanged even when the shape changes.
  7. 14. Heuristic: A rule that information readily available in our memory is more important than information that is not easily accessible.
  8. 17. Psychoanalytical theory, the part of the personality that maintains a balance between our impulses (id) and our conscience (superego).
  9. 18. a phenomenon in memory that states we can better remember information if it's different from other information.
  10. 19. The physical act resulting from an obsession.
  11. 23. Therapy: A therapy based on the belief that an individual has an unlimited capacity for psychological growth and will continue to grow unless barriers are placed.
  12. 24. Method: Uses the random assignment of subjects and the manipulation of variables to determine cause and effect.
  13. 25. the inability to recognize who we are, what we are doing, the time and date, or where we are in our environment. It must be consistent, result in difficulty functioning, and not be due to forgetting or loss.
  1. 1. Bias: Errors in a research study due to the predisposed notions or beliefs of the experimenter.
  2. 3. Intelligence: The part of intelligence that involves the addition, as opposed to the use, of information.
  3. 8. the reduction and eventual disappearance of a learned or conditioned response after it is no longer paired with the unconditioned stimulus-response chain.
  4. 9. A young child tends to focus on his or her perspective of a specific object and fails to understand that others may see things differently.
  5. 10. a motivation to reduce the negative aspects of an unpleasant situation.
  6. 12. Memory: Subcategory of Declarative memory where information regarding life events is stored.
  7. 13. Locus of Control: The belief that the environment controls life circumstances more than the individual.
  8. 15. The brain is associated with memory storage.
  9. 16. An idea or belief about the cause of a particular behavior.
  10. 19. Power: Power derived through the ability to punish.
  11. 20. Memory: the part of long-term memory where factual information is stored, such as mathematical formulas, vocabulary, and life events.
  12. 21. Thinking: Ability to use previously gained information to debate or discuss issues with no agreed-upon definitive resolution.
  13. 22. the psychological response to the belief that too many people are in a specified area.