Ap World History:Modern

  1. 4. The leader of Nothern Vietnam during the Vietnam proxy wars.
  2. 5. What was responsible for the creation of Pakistan and Bangladesh after Muslims did not want to be the minority in India?
  3. 9. who was the political leader that created the Russian communist party
  4. 10. What was the organization that the English monarch granted a royal charter, giving it a monopoly on England's trade with India?
  5. 11. The invasion that divided and colonized Africa for the benefit of European interests during the New imperialism.
  6. 16. The policy that stated communism needed to be contained
  7. 17. is A highly addictive drug that was exported from Britain and caused the rise of two wars.
  8. 18. A contraceptive used to control fertility.
  9. 23. Medicine used to treat bacteria
  10. 24. the 3rd agricultural revolution that implemented GMOs
  11. 25. Which Japanese city was bombed?
  12. 31. A theory that stated if Turkey or Greece turned communist, then it would influence middle eastern countries to turn communist.
  13. 32. Which country did Kwame Nkrumah govern?
  14. 33. which country colonized Algeria?
  15. 34. What country was created by the United Nations in 1948?
  16. 37. Created by Woodrow Wilson, a failed organization that was created after WW1 to maintain peace and security for countries.
  17. 38. A unsuccessful conflict of Indian soldiers who revolted against British rule
  18. 39. who was the U.S. president for most of WW2
  19. 40. the political leader of Cambodia
  20. 42. This political leader ended apartheid in South Africa, held non-violent protests for civil rights, and became president in 1994.
  21. 43. Glorification of the military
  22. 44. created to give aid to western European countries.
  23. 46. Which country promoted Asian domination through the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere?
  24. 48. First female prime minister of India
  25. 50. areas outside Europe in which so many European immigrants voluntarily settled
  26. 51. which political leader implemented 5-years plan
  27. 52. which 2 countries were global superpowers during the cold war?
  28. 53. Genocide of Jews in Germany
  1. 1. An American Civil rights leader who believed in non-violence.
  2. 2. Ottoman Empire, Germany, and Italy were what group in WW1
  3. 3. meaning lightning war and an intense military campaign used by Germany
  4. 6. The name of the party,Gandhi led.
  5. 7. was A political party that advocated for an independent state for Muslims living in India.
  6. 8. Where did the missile crisis happen
  7. 12. What is it called when countries do not directly fight each other
  8. 13. What is it called when A group of people who have a strong common identity and become loyal to a single state.
  9. 14. The introduction of a movement where African and Asian nations who were decolonized and did not want to participate in the cold war.
  10. 15. Dynasty The last Chinese Dynasty
  11. 19. King leopard of Belgium had previous private ownership of which African country?
  12. 20. Advertisements that were used during WW1.
  13. 21. was a mass killing that discriminated against Christians in the Ottoman Empire.
  14. 22. the president of Germany during WW2
  15. 26. What did Nasser nationalized?
  16. 27. Who was the facist leader of Italy.
  17. 28. A disease caused by mosquitoes(tropical world).
  18. 29. A theory that was used to justify why certain groups were superior to other groups
  19. 30. The military alliance created by the USSR in response to the creation of NATO.
  20. 35. the first proxy war after WW2
  21. 36. A 10 year ban on chinese migration to the U.S
  22. 41. and economic crisis that caused a high rate of unemployment
  23. 45. First president of Indonesia
  24. 47. Was the Chinese communist leader who implemented the cultural revolution and the Great Leap forward.
  25. 49. What plan was created as a response to the great depression in America?