APES - Chapter 1 & 2 Test

  1. 4. Research in which scientists gather basic information about organisms, materials, systems, or processes that are not yet well known
  2. 5. The study of human interactions and institutions
  3. 7. Organic compounds that combine to form long chains of repeated molecules
  4. 8. An experiment in which the researcher actively chooses and manipulates the independent variable
  5. 9. Information expressed with numbers
  6. 10. One of the many scientific fields of study within the broad scope of environmental science
  7. 11. Happen in conjunction with landslides - the downslope movement of soil and rock due to gravity
  8. 14. Combinations of elements held together with bonds
  9. 19. Organisms that use the radiation from the sun to directly produce their own food
  10. 22. Any naturally occurring solid element of inorganic compound with a crystal structure, a specific chemical composition, and distinct physical properties
  11. 23. Consists of all the living and nonliving things around us
  12. 24. Consist solely of bonded atoms of carbon and hydrogen
  13. 25. negatively charged particles
  14. 27. A basic understanding of Earth’s physical and living systems and how we interact with them
  15. 28. The amount of time it takes for one-half the atoms to give off radiation and decay
  16. 30. Uncharged particles that contribute to an atom’s mass number
  17. 33. Elements with the same atomic number but different atomic masses
  18. 34. A movement focused on advocating for the health and well-being of the environment for its own sake
  19. 37. Scientists who specialize in the subject area are asked to provide comments and criticism and judge whether the work merits publication
  20. 38. An experiment wherein a scientist controls for the effects of all variables except the tested one
  21. 39. Widely accepted, well-tested explanation of one or more cause-and-effect relationships
  1. 1. Substances and energy sources we take from our environment and that we rely on to survive
  2. 2. Essential to life and include: proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates
  3. 3. Drive the process of plate tectonics by unequally distributing heat in the mantle
  4. 6. Began in the mid-1700s and signaled a shift from rural life to urban society
  5. 12. The variable that is manipulated
  6. 13. Atoms or molecules with a charge
  7. 15. Includes the crust of the Earth - slides over the _________ in plate tectonics
  8. 16. Researchers test their hypothesis by searching for correlation, or statistical association among variables
  9. 17. Includes the upper mantle and contains especially soft rock
  10. 18. Expectation of experimental outcome
  11. 20. The excess use of renewable resources
  12. 21. Organisms that gain their energy by feeding on other organisms
  13. 26. The scientific study of how the natural world works, how our environment affects us, and how we affect our environment
  14. 29. The energy of position or composition
  15. 31. Statement that attempts to explain a phenomenon or answer a scientific question
  16. 32. The energy of motion
  17. 35. A solid aggregation of minerals
  18. 36. The smallest components of elements that still maintain the chemical properties of the elements