- 2. 2008 Obama slogan.
- 3. number after three, drop the ‘u’.
- 5. Prison sentence.
- 7. ninth letter in the alphabet.
- 8. Rhymes with two.
- 9. Opposite of out.
- 11. opposite of loss.
- 12. lamb in hebrew.
- 13. used as an affectionate or friendly form of address.
- 14. feeling sorrow or regret.
- 1. number after one, drop the ‘W’
- 2. cause physical pain or injury to.
- 4. time after noon.
- 6. a silly person.
- 10. Three letter word for Also.
- 12. “In God we _____.”
- 15. Aretha Franklin song.
- 16. mine and ____.