Appetizer for the Judge

  1. 3. To conduct the legal process of a criminal charge
  2. 4. Action to violate public or private property
  3. 6. A statement made by the defendant pleading guilty for a reduced punishment
  4. 8. Permission for the law to investigate private property
  5. 11. The one accused of the crime
  6. 14. Criminal deception for the benefit of financial or personal gain
  7. 15. The declaration that the defendant is not guilty of the charge
  1. 1. Small crime
  2. 2. To be accused twice for the same offence
  3. 5. The fair treatment of the Judicial System
  4. 7. To bring the defendant before the court to answer to a charge
  5. 9. Legal system designed to deal with the punishment of criminals
  6. 10. Group of people gathered to examine the accusation before the trial
  7. 12. Larger crime; more serious than a misdemeanor
  8. 13. A jury that cannot all agree with one another