Applications of radioactivity

  1. 3. An element involved in dating rocks
  2. 4. A substance is this if it gives off ionising radiation
  3. 6. Food ****: another use of ionising radiation
  4. 8. Type of radiation used that can easily pass through tissue and is used in medical imaging
  5. 10. Harmful
  6. 12. Medical treatment using radioactivity
  7. 14. Isotope used in emergency exit signs
  8. 15. Element used in dating
  9. 16. These can be dated using the decay of uranium
  10. 17. Leaks in one of these can be detected using radioactivity
  11. 20. The study of old structures and objects
  12. 21. Important property of a radioactive source (two words)
  13. 22. Mass number of unstable carbon isotope
  1. 1. Harmful result of exposure to radiation
  2. 2. Type of radiation used to monitor
  3. 5. A timely use of radioactivity
  4. 7. Radiation from space
  5. 9. Radiation can cause cells to undergo this
  6. 11. Type of radiation used in smoke detectors
  7. 13. This shields us from cosmic radiation
  8. 14. Radioactive substance used in to detect leaks
  9. 18. Living material that can be damaged by radioactivity
  10. 19. Alpha, beta and gamma are examples of *** radiation