Applied Economics

  1. 2. is the art of turning an item ideas a buisness
  2. 7. the desire for non essential items
  3. 8. is a system that combines characteristics of market, command, and traditional economies.
  4. 13. it is a form of market in which there are large numbers of sellers selling differential product which is simillar in but not homogenous
  5. 14. a mandotory financial changes or some otjer type of too levy imposed upon a tax payer by a governmental oragnization in order to fund various public expenditures
  6. 15. is when good is scarce compare to its demand
  7. 16. is when supply is limited
  8. 19. this refers to the minimum amount of remuneration that an employer is required to pay wage earn for the work perform during a given period
  9. 20. the processed material, equipment, and buildings used in production
  10. 23. A situation where for a particular good supply = demand.
  11. 24. application of economic theory to determine the likely outcomes associated with various possible courses of action in the real world.
  12. 29. means single in greek
  13. 32. resources came from nature that ate used in production
  14. 33. occurs when demand is greater than supply
  15. 36. physical and human effort exerted in production
  16. 38. is a market situation in which there are fer(more that two)seller.
  17. 39. business take loan to fund capital project and expand thier operation by purchasing fixed and long term assest.
  18. 40. is the reason why people practice economics
  19. 42. the limited nature of resources
  20. 43. an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government.
  21. 47. quantities of particular good or services consumers are willing and able to buy at different possible prices
  22. 48. a person who purchases goods and services for personal use:
  23. 50. this law establishes a minimum amount that an employer can pay a worker for one day of labor
  24. 51. is a system in which the development and distribution of goods and services are determined by customs, traditions, and time-honored beliefs.
  1. 1. the calculations businesses perform to understand the impact marketing activities have on brand recognition, market position and product and service sales.
  2. 3. a person who sells something
  3. 4. is a process and it exist when a group of buyer and seller communicate and exchange goods and services
  4. 5. it describe how price affect producers
  5. 6. is a market structure in which large number of sellers sell a homogenous product at a uniform price
  6. 9. the effort of people involved in production
  7. 10. an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale:
  8. 11. refers to the value of best alternative
  9. 12. any economic market that does not meet the rigorous assumptions of a hypothetical perfectly competitive market
  10. 17. firm is one that producers the entire market supply of a particular good or services
  11. 18. is a social science that involves the use of scarce resources to satisgy unlimited wants
  12. 21. a property from which the owner recieves payment from the occupant, known as tenants, in return for occupying or using the properly
  13. 22. the problem of having unlimited wants but limited resources
  14. 25. soil and natural resources that are found in nature
  15. 26. the amount of production what is offered for sales at all possible prices
  16. 27. is an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating income or appreciation
  17. 28. the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something
  18. 30. when income goes up consumers bbuy more, and less when income when goes down
  19. 31. the essentials of life such as food and shelter
  20. 34. studies the decisions and choices of the individual units and how these decisions affect the price of good in the market
  21. 35. the greek word for many
  22. 37. it describe how prices affect consumers
  23. 41. man-made resources used in the production of goods and services which include machinaries and equipment
  24. 44. describe economics as a study of mankind in the ordinary buisness life
  25. 45. is a division of economics that is concerned with the performance of the entire economy
  26. 46. assemble and then intergrate all the resources needed the money,the people,the buisness model,and the strategy
  27. 49. it a market situation in which there are two sellers of a commodity