Applied economics

  1. 1. Equality: the state of being equal.
  2. 4. inflation:refers to a persistent.
  3. 5. Monopolistic Competition:  A market structure with many sellers.
  4. 9. Immigrants: are individuals who arrive in a new country to live permanently.
  5. 11. Unemployment: refers to the situation where individuals.
  6. 12. Competition:  A market structure with many buyers and sellers.
  7. 14. Slope:It can be used to represent the relationship between two variables.
  8. 17. Consumption: goods and services by individuals or households
  9. 20. Normative Economics:  Makes judgments about how the economy.
  10. 21. Inclusive Growth: It aims to reduce inequality and ensure that everyone.
  11. 22. Economics:  Describes economic phenomena.
  12. 24. Macro Level:economics examines the economy as a whole.
  13. 27. The study of the economy as a whole.
  14. 28. Investment: involves committing resources, typically money, to acquire.
  15. 30. Self-Interest:Individuals and firms act in their own best interests.
  16. 32. Communism: It aims to create a society free from exploitation.
  17. 34. Inflation: occurs when the cost of production increases.
  18. 36. Price Discrimination:  Charging different prices to different customers.
  19. 37. Micro Level: economics focuses on individual economic decisions.
  20. 39. inflation: occurs when the demand for goods and services.
  21. 40. supplied exceeds quantity demanded.
  22. 41. Deadweight Loss: surplus due to market inefficiencies.
  23. 42. of Input: refers to the expenses incurred by a business.
  24. 45. Tax: It is a major source of revenue for governments.
  25. 46. Shifts in Demand: Factors that cause the entire demand curve
  26. 47. is the opposite of inflation, characterized by a general decrease.
  27. 48. Emigrants: are individuals who leave their home countries.
  28. 50. Cost:  The additional cost of producing one more unit of output.
  29. 52. refers to the application of scientific knowledge.
  30. 54. Ceiling: A government-imposed maximum price for a good or service.
  31. 55. Models:  Simplified representations of economic phenomena.
  32. 56. The fundamental economic problem of unlimited.
  33. 58. Push Factors: conditions or events that drive people to leave their home countries.
  34. 59. Wages: are the lowest legal wage that employers.
  35. 60. of Demand: As price increases, quantity demanded decrease.
  36. 61. Low Unemployment: refers to a situation where a small percentage of the labor.
  37. 63. Socialism: It aims to reduce inequality and promote social welfare.
  38. 65. Price: quantity demanded equals quantity supplied.
  39. 66. Price Floor: typically used to support producers or workers.
  40. 67. Shortage:  exceeds quantity supplied.
  41. 69. A measure of the responsiveness of one variable to another
  42. 70. Curve: relationship between price and quantity demanded.
  43. 72. The study of individual economic units.
  44. 73. Population Growth:  Can affect labor supply, demand for goods.
  45. 74. to individual preferences and desires for goods and services.
  46. 76. refer to a change in position, direction.
  47. 77. Intangible activities that satisfy wants.
  1. 2. Surplus: maximum price a consumer.
  2. 3. Sales tax: It is typically collected by retailers and remitted to the government.
  3. 6. the flow of money or other assets that an individual or household.
  4. 7. Migration: refers to the movement of people from one place to another.
  5. 8. Basic Commodities:  Essential goods and services.
  6. 10. Human Capital: refers to the skills, knowledge.
  7. 11. Pull Factors:conditions or opportunities that attract people to new destinations.
  8. 13. Capitalism:It emphasizes individual initiative, profit maximization.
  9. 15. Price Ceilings:government-imposed maximum prices for goods and services.
  10. 16. Preference: They are a key factor in determining demand for goods.
  11. 18. Capital:refers to the resources used in the production.
  12. 19. out-of-pocket expenses incurred by busine
  13. 20. Employment:It is a crucial factor in determining individual and household.
  14. 23. Wage:  A legal minimum price that can be paid for labor.
  15. 25. Cost: The value of the next best alternative forgone.
  16. 26. are used to protect domestic industries and generate.
  17. 27. Equity:refers to fairness and justice in the way people are treated.
  18. 29. Tangible items that satisfy wants.
  19. 31. a general increase in the prices of goods and services in an economy over time.
  20. 33. Demand:  The willingness and ability of consumers.
  21. 35. Surplus: minimum price a producer.
  22. 36. Marginal Revenue:  The additional revenue from selling.
  23. 37. Labor:human effort, both physical and mental, used in the production of goods.
  24. 38. Commodities: are raw materials, such as agricultural products.
  25. 41. Labor Supply:  The willingness and ability of workers to offer their services.
  26. 43. Price Control: This can include price ceilings, price floors, or other measures.
  27. 44. Remittances: are payments sent by migrants to their families and communities.
  28. 49. Basic Commodities: are essential goods and services that are necessary.
  29. 51. Price Floor: They can lead to surpluses and inefficiencies.
  30. 53. Refugees:are individuals forced to flee their home countries due to persecution.
  31. 55. Implicit:opportunity costs of using resources, such as the value of the owner's.
  32. 56. Supply:  The willingness and ability of producers.
  33. 57. Equilibrium Quantity:  bought and sold at the equilibrium price.
  34. 58. Income Approach: method of calculating national income.
  35. 60. of Supply: As price increases, quantity supplied increases
  36. 62. Land: refers to the solid part of the Earth's surface.
  37. 64. Supply Curve: relationship between price and quantity supplied.
  38. 66. A market structure with a single seller and no close substitutes.
  39. 67. in Supply: Factors that cause the entire supply curve to shift
  40. 68. state of lacking the financial resources and essentials.
  41. 71. Oligopoly:  A market structure with a few dominant sellers.
  42. 73. Wages:  The price of labor, influenced by supply and demand.
  43. 75. Resources:  Factors of production.