apush crossword
- 4. Early slave revolt in South Carolina where 50+ slaves gathered arms to rise up against their masters and march to Spanish Florida
- 6. American colonists who fought for independence from Great Britain during the Revolutionary War
- 8. The first agreement for self-government in America
- 10. company made up of a group of shareholders
- 11. Passage paid for poor young men and women to come to colonies; in return, they worked for the person who paid their passage for a set number of years
- 16. document by George Washington in 1796, when he retired from office
- 18. made it more difficult for foreigners to become US citizens and made it illegal to criticize the government
- 19. economic policy, increase exports, decrease imports
- 20. A way to attract more settlers to the Virginia colony in which every new arrival paying his or her own way was promised a land grant of 50 acres
- 1. group of Scots-Irish men living in the Appalachian hills that wanted protection from Indian attacks
- 2. series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts
- 3. war fought between France and Britain, the British hoped to stop French expansion on the American continent
- 5. ended the French and Indian war
- 7. first American constitution that established the United States as a loose confederation of states under a weak national Congress
- 9. protest of the Tea Act, a band of colonists, led by Sam Adams, disguised as Indians, rowed out to the boat and dumped the tea chests into the harbor
- 12. laws passed to keep slaves from running away and rebelling
- 13. period of cultural and biological exchanges between the New and Old Worlds
- 14. consist of the first ten Constitutional Amendments, guarantee certain rights to America citizens in all circumstances
- 15. a bloody confrontation between the angry colonists and the British troops stationed there
- 17. a person of mixed European and Native American ancestry, particularly Spanish and Native American