APUSH crossword

  1. 5. The act of a state or region formally withdrawing from a larger political entity, most notably referring to the secession of Southern states and the formation of the Confederacy leading to the American Civil War
  2. 6. The movement to end slavery, which gained momentum in the 19th century and played a significant role in the lead-up to the Civil War
  3. 9. The nationwide constitutional ban on the production, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages, enforced from 1920 to 1933 through the 18th Amendment
  4. 11. A federal law passed in 1887 that aimed to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream American society by dividing tribal lands into individual allotments for Native American families
  5. 14. A political movement in the late 19th century that championed the rights and interests of the common people against the elite
  6. 15. A person who acquired and settled on public land under the Homestead Act, typically involved in farming and agricultural activities
  7. 18. The economic policies implemented by President Ronald Reagan, which emphasized tax cuts, deregulation, and reduced government spending
  8. 19. A foreign policy stance that advocates for a nation to avoid involvement in international affairs and conflicts
  9. 20. Refers to the late 19th century, characterized by rapid industrialization, economic growth, and stark social inequality
  1. 1. An economic philosophy advocating for minimal government intervention in the economy, allowing market forces to determine prices, wages, and production
  2. 2. The period after the Civil War when the United States attempted to rebuild and reintegrate the South into the Union
  3. 3. The belief that it was the destiny of the United States to expand its territory from coast to coast
  4. 4. The process of transforming an economy from primarily agrarian and manual labor-based to one focused on manufacturing and mechanized production, as occurred in the United States during the late 19th century
  5. 7. Goals of improving social problems, reforming local governments, improving labor conditions, and regulating big business
  6. 8. The theory that states have the right to invalidate federal laws they consider unconstitutional, a concept that was debated during the early years of the United States
  7. 10. The policy of extending a nation's power and influence through diplomacy or military force, often involving the acquisition of new territories or the establishment of economic dominance over other regions
  8. 12. The period of geopolitical tension and rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II, characterized by ideological, political, and military conflicts
  9. 13. The railroad system connecting the eastern and western coasts of the United States, completed in 1869, which facilitated transportation, trade, and settlement across the country
  10. 16. The process of ending racial segregation, particularly in schools, housing, and public facilities
  11. 17. The practice of making accusations without proper evidence, particularly associated with Senator Joseph McCarthy's anticommunist campaigns in the 1950s