apush unit 4

  1. 6. won 1860 election
  2. 8. (2)confederate general who won bullrun
  3. 11. higher-law northern abolitionist who wants no MO comp, but purchases alaska later
  4. 12. (4)sherman's campaign thru the south that tore up/burned cities like atlanta
  5. 14. wrote the impending crisis of the south
  6. 15. dem who wins the election of 1856
  7. 19. (3)aid society to send northerners to kansas to shift the vote to antislavery
  8. 20. assassinated lincoln
  9. 22. union general that led pillaging thru south
  10. 23. ___ of 1850 allows cali to become free, but creates strict fugitive slave law
  11. 26. confederate champion general
  12. 27. (2)party big around 1848 anti-slavery for economic reasons
  13. 30. union's champion general
  14. 32. ___ proclamation that changed the character of war to be about slavery
  15. 33. act passed by lincoln in 1863 which disproportionately effected the poor
  16. 35. first battle of civil war where confederacy unexpectedly won with power of stonewall jackson
  17. 36. (2)john brown starts this quasi civil war over slavery
  18. 37. attacked sumner with a cane over k-n act & became southern hero
  19. 40. massacre that was john brown's first attack
  20. 43. battle that changed the course of war to favor union & led lincoln to announce emancipation proclamation
  21. 46. (2)movement that was yassified manifest destiny
  22. 47. (2)prez of confederacy
  23. 48. (2)wins election of 1848, whig
  24. 49. wrote uncle tom's cabin
  25. 52. (2)party formed in election of 1864 where republicans combine with war democrats & lead lincoln to win
  26. 54. (2)democratic nominee in election of 1848
  27. 57. (3)terrorist group in the south to scare blacks and scalawags from voting
  28. 60. democrat who supported popular sovereignty
  29. 62. act that gives pioneers moving west during the civil war free land
  30. 63. freedmen who moved west
  31. 64. doctrine from lincoln-douglas debate that says popular sovereignty will triumph supreme court decision if ppl don't want slavery
  32. 66. extreme antiwar democrats, attacked the draft
  33. 68. (2)economic sys in the south like slavery that keeps rich whites in power
  34. 69. (2)pro-slavery ppl who fan the issue of what to do abt slaves in mex acquired territory
  35. 70. state which sec of state seward bought from russia
  36. 71. (2)reconstruction program to provide blacks with education, food, and supplies
  37. 73. compromise vetoed by lincoln that would've protected slavery in the south & prevented civil war
  38. 74. (2)legislature to use military force to stop groups like the kkk
  39. 75. __ 54th = honored black troop that suffered heavy casualties in the civil war
  40. 76. (2)president after lincoln, only vp bc he was a southern democrat, so he balanced the ballot
  41. 77. (2)___ around the ___ = campaign of johnson to get southerners elected into senate, but backfired
  42. 78. (2)the same as the know-nothing party
  43. 79. ___ union party = middle ground democratic party in election of 1860
  44. 80. (3)speech by webster to push for compromise in slavery issue of cali/new territory
  1. 1. (2)pierce wanted to buy cuba from spain or threatened war, but leaked & north angry bc it would spread slavery
  2. 2. union general slow to move & lost to lee in seven day's war
  3. 3. (2)treaty says that amer will not seek exclusive control over isthmian waterway
  4. 4. (2)act in 1863 to stimulate sale of gov’t bonds, est a standard bank-note currency & step to unified banking system
  5. 5. (2)where southerners romanticize life before the war & claim the north destroyed perfect life
  6. 7. constitution in kansas that declared it a slave state w/o pop sov after proslavery gov't elected
  7. 9. northerners who moved south for opportunity
  8. 10. (2)democrat that wins 1852 election bc whig party was split
  9. 13. (2)incident where union ship stops brit ship & seizes confed diplomats -> makes brits pissed & prepared for war
  10. 16. supreme court decision that further legalized slavery saying blacks weren't citizens
  11. 17. (2)speech by lincoln to dedicate memorial cemetery and encourage fighting spirit of north
  12. 18. (2)where first shots of civil war fired
  13. 21. act made by douglas that split 2 states apart and had the issue of slavery decided by pop sov
  14. 24. (2)act of 1866 to give blacks amer citizenship
  15. 25. guy who was beat up in senate & became radical republican leader in senate for reconstruction
  16. 28. (2)act in 1862 to subsidize infrastructure, give railroad companies land for every mile of track that they lay (incentivizing railroads)
  17. 29. railroad run by harriet tubman
  18. 31. (2)guy that started bleeding kansas & later hung as a abolitionist martyr
  19. 34. democrats who didn't want civil war
  20. 38. (2)party that looked like it would take power after whigs died, but republicans did instead
  21. 39. (2)is supposed to protect due process; suspended by lincoln
  22. 41. union's paper money that fluctuated in value with the nation's capital
  23. 42. during pierce admin, went to japan & made them open up trade with amer
  24. 44. (2)john brown's attack to free slaves where he is caught & hung in martyrdom
  25. 45. republican/whig whites in the south
  26. 50. (2)act in 1861 to increase duties & gives republicans the stereotype of high tariffs
  27. 51. (2)guy who wanted to spread slavery & made himself nicaragua prez
  28. 53. (3)act passed to justify senate trying to impeach johnson
  29. 55. (2)laws put in place in the south to make it hard for blacks to be independent
  30. 56. purchase from mex for land to build transcontinental railroad
  31. 58. (3)act that gives states $ to use to make colleges
  32. 59. (3)scotus rules against lincoln's suspension of habeus corpus
  33. 61. (2)__house where lee surrendered to grant & the civil war ended
  34. 65. commerce-raider that the british made for the confederate navy
  35. 67. (3)scotus rules that civilians can't be tried in a military court, lincoln ignores this
  36. 69. (2)law to make slaves escaping harder
  37. 72. uproar from the conscription act in big cities