APWH exam review

  1. 2. Stalin's economic policy to rebuild the Soviet economy after WWI. tried to improve heavy industry and improve farm output, but resulted in famine
  2. 4. Leader of the Communist Party in China that overthrew Jiang Jieshi and the Nationalists.
  3. 6. heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne, was assassinated in Sarajevo, started World War I.
  4. 12. country where a single party controls the government and every aspect of the lives of the people
  5. 13. a group of Indian soldiers in the British East India Company's army led a mutiny in the state of Uttar Pradesh
  6. 14. organization formed in 1906 to protect the interests of India's Muslims
  7. 22. Virus that destroys the immune system
  8. 25. trade agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico that encourages free trade
  9. 26. Allocation of former German colonies and Ottoman possessions to the victorious powers after World War I
  10. 28. formerly the Triple Entente; France, Britain, and Russia
  11. 30. policy of glorifying military power and keeping a standing army always prepared for war
  12. 38. The great rulers and countries excluding Germany and Russia met in Versailles to negotiate the repercussions of the war
  13. 40. collapse of colonial empires
  14. 43. Political and economic union in Southeast Asia
  15. 44. privately-owned businesses and property
  16. 46. Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause.
  17. 47. Infection is transmitted by inhalation or ingestion of tubercle bacilli
  18. 48. President of the US during Great Depression and World War II
  19. 49. A political system headed by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and racism and has no tolerance for opposition
  20. 50. India's answer to Hollywood. Based in Bombay; codified system that produces movies, music, and a lot of dance numbers.
  1. 1. an international organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations
  2. 3. organization dedicated to obtaining equal voting and civil rights for black inhabitants of South Africa.
  3. 5. long-term cause to WWI: intensified rivalries between European nations
  4. 7. colonial disputes over land
  5. 8. international organization that promotes free trade around the world.
  6. 9. allies during WWII; Soviet Union - Stalin, United Kingdom - Churchill, United States - Roosevelt
  7. 10. treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1920 after the end of World War I
  8. 11. H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin.
  9. 15. Indian Muslim politician who founded the state of Pakistan.
  10. 16. Creole who created new independent countries in South America
  11. 17. Favored revolts by the working class
  12. 18. Party formed in 1923 when Sun Yat-Sen merged the Third Communist International and the KMT to create the first of many liberation fronts
  13. 19. economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash in 1929 and continuing through the 1930s
  14. 20. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
  15. 21. American colonists who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence
  16. 23. 28th president of the United States
  17. 24. organization attached to the United Nations that is concerned with the health and well-being of all people
  18. 27. movement and political party founded in 1885 to demand greater Indian participation in government.
  19. 29. uprising against foreigners that occurred in China about 1900, begun by peasants but eventually supported by the government
  20. 31. Plan implemented by Lenin that allowed some private ownership of businesses and small plots of land.
  21. 32. contagious viral disease originating in Africa
  22. 33. network of Islamic terrorist organizations
  23. 34. Between 1839 and 1842, British forces fought a war in China that benefitted drug smugglers.
  24. 35. philosopher from India, this man was a spiritual and moral leader favoring India's independence from Great Britain
  25. 36. introduction of pesticides and high-yield grains which greatly increased agricultural productivity.
  26. 37. A Communist nation, consisting of Russia and 14 other states, that existed from 1922 to 1991.
  27. 39. Laws in South Africa that separated different races into different geographic areas.
  28. 41. war in which governments mobilize virtually every person and natural resource available to support the war effort
  29. 42. series of reforms enacted by the Franklin Roosevelt administration between 1933 and 1942 with the goal of ending the Great Depression.
  30. 45. intergovernmental military alliance between 31 member states