Aragon outlook crossword: October edition

  1. 2. Last day of fall semester, Dec. _____
  2. 4. San Mateo County ____ (summertime event)
  3. 6. Spooky location of AP environmental science field trip
  4. 8. Opposite of left
  5. 10. Club that ran “socktober”
  6. 15. Photo & message app ____chat
  7. 16. Slack off (formally)
  8. 18. “El Tesoro” creators
  9. 19. Horror movie starring Josh Hutcherson (acronym)
  10. 20. Who, what, when, where, ___,& how?
  11. 21. What isn’t on the floor in a California winter
  1. 1. Canvas page with announcements
  2. 3. where freshmen learn to take care of themselves
  3. 5. “There, ____” (AP Lang novel)
  4. 7. Hindu festival on Nov. 12
  5. 9. “Hopelessly Devoted” to this fall musical
  6. 11. ____ Hanukkah
  7. 12. Winner of the varsity rival football game (11/3)
  8. 13. “Stay ____ Dons!”
  9. 14. Hunger Games prequel “The Hunger Games: The ____ of Songbirds and Snakes”
  10. 17. Merry ______