Arooj's Birthday Clue 3

  1. 1. What did you ride in Huacachina?
  2. 3. What was the month we moved in together?
  3. 5. What is the scariest podcast?
  4. 6. Where would you never sleep in again?
  5. 8. What was the second brewery we went to in Portland?
  6. 10. Where did we see Amy Shark?
  7. 11. How many cities did you take me to in Toronto?
  8. 12. What was the name of the trail we took up the Grand Canyon?
  9. 13. How old are you?
  10. 15. Where did we catch the train in Peru?
  11. 19. What's our favourite board game?
  12. 21. Who played the Mariners in Seattle?
  13. 22. Where did you ride your first horse?
  14. 24. Your first publication was in Annual Review of - Law.
  15. 25. Where do we go to be theatre people?
  16. 28. Where did you go camping for the first time?
  17. 30. How many countries have we travelled to together?
  18. 31. How many national parks did we stop in in the USA?
  19. 32. What animals did we see on Machu Picchu
  20. 33. Where did you travel with your family?
  21. 34. Who did we see on your last birthday?
  1. 1. Where did you drive a Lambo?
  2. 2. Where did you take me for my birthday last year?
  3. 4. Where did we go on our first trip?
  4. 7. What was the most delicious food at your bar call?
  5. 9. Where did you travel after Law School?
  6. 14. - Birthday!
  7. 16. Where was the scariest place we stayed in the USA?
  8. 17. What did we shoot last year on your birthday?
  9. 18. Where did we go for pie last July?
  10. 19. What day is it?
  11. 20. Where did you try snowboarding?
  12. 23. What birds did we see in Peru?
  13. 26. How many hours did it take us to hike the Grand Canyon?
  14. 27. The first city we stayed in in Cuba.
  15. 29. What did you fly on your birthday two years ago?