Around South Africa

  1. 4. Many tourists want to go on a ... when they visit South Africa.
  2. 7. The poor people live there.
  3. 9. The president has his seat there.
  4. 11. The first black president of South Africa.
  1. 1. South Africa has lots pf gold and ...
  2. 2. Football, rugby and ...are the most popular kinds of sports in South Africa.
  3. 3. This is the largest ntional park in South Africa.
  4. 4. Rich people live in areas with high ...
  5. 5. This system separatef black and white people.
  6. 6. Pretoria, Capetown and Bloemfontein are the three ... of South Africa.
  7. 8. In the ... you can read reports about games and the players.
  8. 10. This is another name for South Africa because there are so many different people of different colour.
  9. 12. The ... were the first European settlers who arrived in South Africa.