Arrival in Canada Crossword 2.0

  1. 2. non-believer, in this case, non christian
  2. 3. not-Christian
  3. 4. groups of people who trade furs for a living
  4. 6. challenging
  5. 10. made gentle, happy
  6. 11. royal documents that set out terms and permission
  7. 12. resistance to the disease
  8. 13. prime winter beaver pelt (literally, "greasy winter beaver pelt")
  9. 15. a terrible, often fatal, disease caused by the lack of vitamin C
  10. 16. lord
  11. 17. one who travels to another region to communicate a religious message and assist the local people
  12. 19. literary form
  13. 20. a state of financial ruin
  14. 21. completely control of the market for a certain good or service
  1. 1. the emphasis placed on the particular syllable of a
  2. 5. feudal-like states
  3. 7. a document setting out terms of existence
  4. 8. trap
  5. 9. runners of the wood
  6. 14. a group of islands
  7. 18. workshop