Arrival in Canada Crossword 2.0

  1. 3. literary form
  2. 5. non-believer, in this case, non christian
  3. 8. a group of islands
  4. 9. workshop
  5. 11. challenging
  6. 12. lord
  7. 15. completely control of the market for a certain good or service
  8. 16. prime winter beaver pelt (literally, "greasy winter beaver pelt")
  9. 17. royal documents that set out terms and permission
  10. 19. a state of financial ruin
  11. 21. groups of people who trade furs for a living
  1. 1. one who travels to another region to communicate a religious message and assist the local people
  2. 2. trap
  3. 4. made gentle, happy
  4. 6. the emphasis placed on the particular syllable of a
  5. 7. resistance to the disease
  6. 10. runners of the wood
  7. 13. not-Christian
  8. 14. feudal-like states
  9. 18. a terrible, often fatal, disease caused by the lack of vitamin C
  10. 20. a document setting out terms of existence