
  1. 1. a place to display and sell your art work
  2. 3. an object you use to write with that contains ink
  3. 6. an object you draw on made from wood
  4. 7. a thing you put your canvas on
  5. 12. brush you dip this into paint
  6. 13. a drawing that doesn't represent anything
  7. 14. most common Japanese art style
  8. 15. highlights your drawing
  1. 2. drawing a place or paper orientation
  2. 4. an object you use to write with containing lead
  3. 5. drawing normal objects and making them different
  4. 6. the most useless type of art theft
  5. 8. a drawing of a person or paper
  6. 9. a cute style of anime
  7. 10. erases the mistakes in your drawing, only works on pencils
  8. 11. a realistic style
  9. 14. an illusion of movement through the drawing