
  1. 4. Group of singers performing together, often with harmonized voices and musical instruments.
  2. 5. The movie that was replaced by the translated version.
  3. 9. The group of actors who is filmed in movie.
  4. 11. Movie release.
  5. 13. do not include in the program.
  6. 14. Author of scripts for the film.
  7. 15. Techniques used in movies to create non real illusions.
  1. 1. A nonverbal way to show emotions with eyes, mouth and facial muscles.
  2. 2. Movie that aims document real-life events.
  3. 3. Similar to reality.
  4. 6. Room where actors or artists prepare for a show, change clothes and do makeup.
  5. 7. One who writes music.
  6. 8. A tool that is used for painting pictures.
  7. 10. present time.
  8. 12. Practicing action that the artist does before the performance.