Art and music

  1. 4. A male singer whose voice is fairly high
  2. 6. A play with music in which all the words are sung
  3. 9. An ascending and descending figuration used in practising the piano, voice, etc
  4. 11. Woman with a low singing voice.
  5. 12. Style of music that was invented by African American musicians in the early part of the twentieth century
  6. 13. A group of musicians, actors, or dancers who regularly perform together
  7. 15. Electronic machine that produces speech, music, or other sounds, usually by combining individual syllables or sounds that have been previously recorded.
  8. 17. A voice exercise in which runs, scales, etc, are sung to the same syllable or syllables
  9. 18. A movement of the 1920s, involving Hindemith, Stravinsky, etc, that sought to avoid the emotionalism of late romantic music by reviving the use of counterpoint, forms such as the classical suite, and small instrumental ensembles
  10. 19. Poets and singers who used to travel around and perform to noble families in Italy and France in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.
  1. 1. Style of painting developed in France between 1870 and 1900 which concentrated on showing the effects of light on things rather than on clear and exact detail
  2. 2. A large musical instrument with a row of black and white keys
  3. 3. A series of eight notes in a musical scale
  4. 5. Device which is used to indicate how quickly a piece of music should be played
  5. 7. Rapidly repeated slight change in the pitch of a musical note. Singers and musicians use it to make the music sound more emotional.
  6. 8. Someone who is extremely good at something, especially at playing a musical instrument
  7. 10. The most senior violin player, who acts as a deputy to the conductor.
  8. 14. Stringed instrument with a rounded body that is quite like a guitar and is played with the fingers
  9. 15. Group of six musicians or singers who play or sing together.
  10. 16. A combining of a number of independent but harmonizing melodies, as in a fugue or canon