Art Composition Vocabulary

  1. 2. size of an object in proportion to the objects around it
  2. 3. famous embroidered cloth that records the Battle of Hastings
  3. 7. resizing an object to make it seem smaller in the distance
  4. 10. dark areas where a light source can't provide direct illumination
  5. 14. variations of color and brightness to make objects stand out from each other
  6. 15. measurable dimensions of length width and depth
  7. 16. describes how value is used for illusion of depth
  8. 18. use of similar objects to create balance
  9. 21. characteristics unique to a geographic region
  10. 24. comparison between light and dark areas of an image
  11. 25. using similar elements
  12. 26. having or occupying space
  13. 28. referring to the middle ages
  14. 29. absence of harmony to create visual or contextual interest
  15. 30. that the work is not all balanced
  16. 31. proportional scaling of objects as they move towards a vanishing point
  17. 33. when something appears as one objects rather than many
  18. 35. how art is viewed or experienced
  19. 37. when a designer draws attention to an object
  20. 38. guideline that states an image should be divided into three sections horizontally and three sections vertically to create 9 areas
  21. 40. path the viewers eyes take to connect endpoints of a line that is not continuous
  22. 41. main color of an object
  23. 42. normal shapes like squares or circles
  24. 43. creating variation in what you see
  25. 44. art that uses perspective, depth and shadow to create ultra-realistic scenes
  26. 45. equal in length from a center point
  1. 1. artwork created using a computer
  2. 4. highlights or shiny spots of an object
  3. 5. when all the sides are equal
  4. 6. display of different colors like RGB
  5. 8. total spectrum of colors a model can create
  6. 9. only one hue is used in the image
  7. 11. govern how to effectively combine elements of art
  8. 12. particular dominant style or technique
  9. 13. irregular shapes like clouds and trees
  10. 17. irregular surface that can be physically felt
  11. 19. area around an object
  12. 20. spirit of friendship between two or more people
  13. 22. area occupied by primary object
  14. 23. the point where parallel lines meet
  15. 27. regular shapes used to make more complex shapes
  16. 32. how closely objects are arranged
  17. 34. use of lighter and darker colors to create light and shadow
  18. 36. individual features used to make artwork
  19. 39. when the right side is a mirror image of the left side of something